Saturday, October 28, 2006

Getting Ready

What is next?..... That seems to be the question on my mind lately. A lot of decisions to be made.

But....It's incredible to be connected with God!

The Bible says in Psalms 31

...I am trusting you, O Lord. You are my God! My future is in your hands....

There is a lot of peace knowing that our future is in God's hands.

If it was not for that, I would be stressed.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Asa is Here

God is so faithful. Everytime we look forward to a new challenge, we can always look back and see God's leading and intervention in the past obsticles. We prayed very much for Asa's birth. God answered again. The birth was amazing! Everything fell into place supernaturally..... His intervention once again. Now onto the next challenges...

Even the name. We thought it was going to be a boy, no girl name was picked out. After praying with Michawn for a name, God dropped it to us from my daily devotion. How inportant that constant connection with God.

Asa is a king from the Old Testament. He was a good king...but towrd the end of his life his connection with God grew cold. I have been learning many lessons from his life. Check him out in 2Chronicles and 1Kings.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Man of few words

Hey.....I feel special. Never had a blog before. I don't usually have much to say but I'll do try my best to keep you up to date. From my perspective, that is. Michawn, my wife, blogs about everything. :-)

At this point still on hold waiting for our baby number 3.