2008 Blog Post :-)
Hi there. Well, here is my yearly blog update! :-) As most of you know, we have completed our first year of training in the city of Anapolis, central Brazil. It has been a real neat time. We now have been asked to remain here, which I felt was the direction from God even before Asas leadership talked to us about it. We will remain here another year and a half to receive avionics training (a big need in our Amazon flight bases), complete the Brazilian mechanic written tests, and serve as the maintenance coordinator for the missions school airplanes while working on additional language and flight training.
Here is the team that I work with day in and day out....except Steve Saint (second from the left) of course. He was here for just a visit this month. Most of the folks here are students and instructors. Milton (far left) is the training director and Rocindes (fourth from the right) is the Asas president. All these folks are awsome people from all different parts of the world. It is an honor to work with them.